Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pillows progressing TWO

So I have been plugging right along at the project mentioned in my previous post here.

Alot of people have been asking about it. To save everyone from a ton of images in their inboxes I'm posting here. I'm excited to share.

This is should bring things up to speed.

You may remember this stack it comprises five of 9-11 pillows in the entire piece. It is to be sited in downtown Seattle.

After things are poured I devest (break the bronze out of the molds)

Then all the extra vents, cups and gates must be removed.

Then I sandblast everything clean. Think of it like coloring the entire surface with a marker. Slowly unifying and cleaning the surface.

Then comes the realigning of any distortion and welding the seams together. Lots of banging and squeezing. Anything goes to het everything back together.

Eventually looking like this

Then everything must be ground out and chased for another blasting. But before that I have to finish assembling the remainder of the stack. So repeat everything again and

These are next in the pile

This is another of the crew that stands alone.

In the blast cabinet

Post blast pre-paint pillow seat

And these images show the next three pillows preparation for gating, investing, burnout and pour.

So there you have it. Growing daily.

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