Friday, September 17, 2010

Pinebox Derby; Noise collective

Pinebox Derby Noise Collective
FA 351 & FA 452 Intermediate Advanced Sculpture
Assistant Professor Nik Meisel

The Prompt:
By joining this class these students have became members of a Noise Performance Collective.
We are calling ourselves Pinebox Derby. We began by attacking a pine box display case abandoned on the 4th floor of Fine Arts. As a collective it was their charge to decide how the parts of this box might be disassembled and converted into a noise machine. They were allowed to add additional elements but all of the initial structure was to be utilized in some fashion.

Each student was also given an assignment to begin reading a biography of a creative although non-visual object oriented person. These biographies were to assist them in developing the project following the Pinebox Derby project. It is however undeniable that these characters have come into influence the students and their choices concerning the aesthetic arrangement of these objects, the sounds they make and the composition of how said sounds go together in a arrangement.

In the video you will see we are referencing the wall. On the wall is our sheet music. It is in our own esoteric language specific to our instruments. We have rehearsed it and it was performed September 16, 2010 at 2:02pm.

Our performers include:
Abigail Fulkerson
Clint Eastwood
Dane Youngren
Henry Ford
Frank Lloyd Wright
Joshua Dennis
Caimen Nguyen
Casey Park
Muhammad Ali
Merce Cunningham
Abbie Hoffman

The instruments:

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